One Strange Rock National Geographic (2018) One Strange Rock tells the story of how life survives and thrives on planet Earth, as told by eight astronauts from their unique perspective of being away from Earth for about 1000 days.
Moët et Chandon Iconoclast Chris was brought on to collaborate on this iconic film celebrating life's most memorable events, creating abstract visualisations of those moments.
Voyage of Time IMAX Corporation Voyage of Time is a celebration of the universe, displaying the whole of time, from its start to its final collapse using Chris's fluid effects to create some of the most evocative moments.
Tree of Life Fox Searchlight (2011) The Tree of Life is a film of vast ambition and deep humility, attempting no less than to encompass all of existence and view it through the prism of a few infinitesimal lives.
The Fountain Warner Brothers (2006) As a modern-day scientist, Tommy is struggling with mortality, desperately searching for the medical breakthrough that will save the life of his cancer-stricken wife, Izzi.