• Stereo 3D

    • IMAX

    • Plankton

    • Macro Photography

    • Fine Art

    • Special Effects

  • Stereo 3D

  • IMAX

  • Plankton

  • Fine Art

  • Special Effects

  • Macro Photography

No Time to Die

Chris and his team at Vision3 spent two years on the show, designing and supervising Daniel Craig's last Bond film and the first to be released in 3D.

On The Wing

Peter creates the most technically challenging sequence of his career, the over the shoulder view of a prehistoric dragonfly flying through a prehistoric jungle - on IMAX.

Moët et Chandon

Chris was brought on to collaborate on this iconic film celebrating life's most memorable events, creating abstract visualisations of those moments.

Life on Earth

Peter was responsible for shooting the first five programs of this ground-breaking series, that not only set the bar for Natural History documentary productions but also pushed the limits of documentary film making logistics and organisation.

Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a film of vast ambition and deep humility, attempting no less than to encompass all of existence and view it through the prism of a few infinitesimal lives.


Peter shoots some of the most detailed deep sea images in seven weeks aboard the British Deep See Research Vessel Discovery.

Saturn III

Peter again uses his technique from Supergirl to fly through the rings of Saturn for this Kirk Douglas feature film

Deep Star VI

Peter creates the special effect sequences for a Hollywood monster film with underwater sequences filmed both for real and using dry for wet techniques.

Bugs 3D

Peter and Chris work build the camera rigs and optics to film they ground breaking IMAX film which was pivotal in Peter being awards his Oscar.

Kingdom of Plants

Peter and Chris film microscopic and carnivorous plants for Sky's 3D production 'Kingdom of Plants'.


Utilising the phenomena of total internal reflection, Peter creates an 'impossible to film sequence for Supergirl.